About Soo Matthews

I have worked with children and young adults for over 35 years.  I started my career as a Maths teacher and worked my way up to being a headteacher in 2 different schools.  For 5 years I had the privilege of working in a school for children with social, emotional and behaviour needs using these techniques every day so I know that they work and help make sustainable, positive changes.

I use NLP with students who have behaviour, social and emotional needs and help them to deal with their anger effectively and develop strategies they can use to help themselves stay calm.

If there is one thing I have learnt over the years it is that there is not a one-size-fits-all solution!  Sometimes we take 3 steps forward and one back – and that is okay because we have still made progress.  During the last 5 years in particular I have learnt and developed my skills in a wide range of therapeutic approaches that I know work with young people and their families.

Neuro-Linguistic Programming – NLP for short – has many tools to help us to communicate more effectively, overcome fears, phobias, anxiety, relationship issues and to help us fill the gaps left with positive stuff to build positive futures.

I have run successful whole staff training for school staff about NLP and how using NLP skills can be very useful in their work with young people.  It helps with better communication and understanding on both sides and the techniques are simple to remember and easy to use.


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